Saturday, December 31, 2011

The best year of my life


I took a night to reflect whatever I have done in this year.
Sad to say, I do regret a lot of things I did.
But on the other hand, I met the most wonderful human being.
We had many ups and downs, many laughs and tears.
Most of all, we had love.
This wonderful being whom I share all of these with is my dear Noah.

Noah and I have just came back from one of the best trips of our lives.
We spent the last two weeks together. With glorious food and splendid shopping malls, we spent our seven months together.

And as I look back to since the day we met, we have grown and hopefully our love won't ever end.
I love you and I wish you the best in whatever you do, where ever you are.

( My dear Noah will be leaving to Texas which is 10000 over km away from me in 5 days, as much as I have a heavy heart, I wish him the best with all the courage and love I could gather, it will be hard, but I am confident we will pull through. Noah has made numerous promises to me, and me to him. I can proudly say I hold each and every one of them dearly to my heart and so does he.)

I love you my dear Noah and one day you will see this.
I miss you already.

With love,